CSA Signups for 2025 are now OPEN!
For more information,
click here.

Our farm is located in the heart of the beautiful Finger Lakes region. We are an ecological & sustainable, diverse vegetable & herb farm. With a focus on unique varieties, medicinal plants, and much more. We were Certified Organic from 2005-2024 and are newly Certified Naturally Grown for 2025. We continue our commitment to the Organic standard and prioritize soil health and our ecological system.
Our mission is to nourish our soils and community. We want you to come to our farm and experience crops harvested at their peak and have a deeper connection with where your food comes from. We are currently stewarding around 50 acres of land, only working about 10 acres per season to give habitat to birds, pollinators and other native wildlife.
The farm has grown a little each year – we like to think of it as natural growth for an natural farm. In our first years we sold at the Farmers Markets in Geneva and Canandaigua, and also sold a little to a few stores and restaurants. Starting in 2004 we began our first CSA partnership in Canandaigua which was followed fairly quickly by CSAs in Geneva and Brighton. As the CSAs grew we expanded our farm stand, offering bulk quantities of tomatoes and storage crops.